FORVIA's Sustainability Day 2024: watch the replay!

With over 250 on-site participants and 6000+ virtual participants and high-level speakers from academic, civil society and Volvo Group, the event was an opportunity to engage all our stakeholders in our transformation. We discussed our strategy, and explained how it will allow us to achieve our objective to become CO2 net zero by 2045, with two intermediate milestones: CO2 neutrality on scopes 1 & 2 by 2025, and -45% on scope 3 by 2030, and position us as a sustainable leader in our industry.
Sustainability Day was part of Horizon by FORVIA, a series of events spanning two days of conferences, workshops, tech demonstrations, and networking with our whole ecosystem. Horizon by FORVIA also included the Supplier Day, dedicated to our suppliers, the Manager Day, for France's managers, and the Innovation Day, dedicated to our clients.
You can now watch the replay of the Sustainability Day
Sustainability: FORVIA's Greatest Challenge
Discover Sustainability: FORVIA's Greatest Challenge, a video unveiled during the Sustainability Day explaining how we place sustainability at the core of everything we do:

You can also read below the presentations of each panel following the agenda of the event.
Opening Keynote: Net Zero, Fit for 45
with Patrick Koller, CEO of FORVIA
Decarbonizing the Auto Industry: What are the major challenges?
with Patrick Koller, CEO of FORVIA, and François Gemenne, Professor at HEC and IPCC Member
Rethinking Products: The Central Role of Low-Carbon Materials
with Rémi Daudin, President, MATERI’ACT; Elisabeth Delval, Vice President, Sustainability, FORVIA; Jean-Paul Michel, Executive Vice President, Interiors, FORVIA; Eric Chapoulaud, Senior Vice President Vehicle Purchasing, Volvo Group; Renato Liardo, Fellow Materials Technology, Volvo Group; and Johan Marchner, Senior Vice President Powertrain & Fossil-Free Materials Purchasing, Volvo Group
Driving the Energy Transition: Employees and Talent at the Forefront
with Victoria Chanial, Executive Vice President Communication, Public Affairs and Sustainability, FORVIA; Jean-Pierre Sounillac, Executive Vice President Human Resources, FORVIA; Valérie Mas, Co-Director and Co-Founder of the French Greentech Firm WeNow; and Inès Leonarduzzi, Analyst and Founder-President of Digital for the Planet
Q&A session
with Patrick Koller, CEO of FORVIA