Privacy Policy

We are delighted that you are visiting our FORVIA Internet Site and would like to thank you for your interest in our company and information about the activities, products, news, commitments, and financial performance of the FORVIA Group.


This privacy policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your personal information when you visit our website. By using our website, you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy. If you do not agree, please do not use our website. 

Our web pages may contain links to third-party providers to which this statement on data protection does not apply. We have no influence on whether the administrators of these web pages maintain and uphold the relevant data protection regulations. 

What information do we collect? 

We may collect the following types of information from you when you use our website: 

  • Personal data: This includes any information that can identify you directly or indirectly, such as your name, email address, phone number, and any other information that you voluntarily provide to us when you register, contact us, or use our services. 
  • Non-personal data: This includes information that does not identify you personally, such as your IP address, browser type, device type, operating system, pages viewed, time spent, and other statistical data. 
  • Cookies and similar technologies: These are small files that are stored on your computer or device when you visit our website. They help us to remember your preferences, improve your user experience, and deliver relevant ads. You can disable cookies in your browser settings, but this may affect the functionality of our website. 

Whenever you visit our website, we save the name of your internet service provider, the browser type used, the website from which you visit ours, the web pages that you visit while on our website and the date and duration of your visit. No other personal information is stored. You can therefore use our website without having to disclose your identity. 

When you visit special areas of our website or participate in certain campaigns, additional data may be collected and saved. Specifying personal data is voluntary. When you submit a query using one of our contact forms or via e-mail, we save the data that you provide about yourself in order to facilitate individual communication with you and to process your query. 

The processing purpose and legal basis 

We use your data for the following purposes: 

  • for reasons related to system security (on IP logs, for example to avoid computer attacks through an overload of our servers); 
  • to design a more fluid and ergonomic Site where you find relevant information more easily. In order to do so, we need to know for instance which page was accessed to and when, which page is the most visited, etc. We carry out this kind of analysis through the "Matomo Analytics" tool (see below); 
  • to answer you if you contact us (we keep track of the messages you send us and of our answers, so we can provide you with an optimized service if you come back to us); 
  • to process job applications; 
  • more generally, for business development purposes. 

Your personal data is processed and used for other purposes only when you have given your consent to it or when such consent is presumed. Without this consent, your data will for instance not be used for advertising purposes. You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, using the options made available to you on our communication media or, in general, by writing to the FORVIA Data Protection Officer. 

FORVIA only processes your data as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it has been collected. At the end of this period, the data is either erased or irretrievably anonymized. 

We will transmit your data to authorities entitled to request such information to the extent that this is required by law or has been mandated by a court order. 

 Similarly, you have certain rights regarding the use of your data (access, modification, deletion, opposition to processing, etc.) that you can exercise directly through our Data Protection Officer (“DPO”). To find out more about the rights you are entitled to, we invite you to go to paragraph 10 of our Privacy Policy. 

To exercise these rights (on condition of proof of your identity), you can contact the DPO, appointed by FORVIA to handle issues related to the protection of your data: 

  • by email to the address: 
  • or by post, by writing to the FORVIA Data Protection Officer, 23-27 rue des Champs Pierreux, 92 000 Nanterre Cedex – France. 

 What types of cookies do we use? 

We use different types of cookies for different purposes. The following are the main categories of cookies that we use: 

  • Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that are deleted when you close your browser. They help us to maintain your session and remember your choices while you navigate our website. 
  • Persistent cookies: These are cookies that remain on your device until you delete them or they expire. They help us to recognize you when you return to our website and remember your preferences and settings. 
  • Performance cookies: These are cookies that collect anonymous data about how you use our website, such as the pages you visit, the time you spend, and the errors you encounter. They help us to measure and improve the performance and quality of our website. 
  • Functionality cookies: These are cookies that enable certain features and functions on our website, such as language selection, search filters, and social media sharing. They help us to provide you with a more convenient and personalized user experience. 
  • Advertising cookies: These are cookies that are used by us or our third party partners to deliver ads that are relevant to your interests and preferences. They help us to monitor the effectiveness and optimize the delivery of our ads. 

 Specifically, here are the cookie we use : 


You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer by changing your browser settings so that cookies are not accepted or so that you receive a notification before a cookie is stored. However, this may result in our Internet offer being limited. 

Change settings 

How do we use your information? 

We may use your information for the following purposes: 

  • To provide and improve our services: We use your information to deliver the services that you request, to communicate with you, to troubleshoot problems, to enhance our features, and to measure and analyze our performance. 
  • To personalize and customize your experience: We use your information to tailor our website to your interests, preferences, and needs, and to show you content and ads that are relevant to you. 
  • To protect our rights and interests: We use your information to prevent fraud, abuse, and unauthorized access, to comply with legal obligations, to enforce our terms and conditions, and to defend ourselves from claims and disputes. 
  • To share with third parties: We may share your information with our affiliates, partners, service providers, and other trusted entities that help us to provide and improve our services, or that offer products and services that may be of interest to you. We will not sell, rent, or disclose your information to any third party without your consent, unless required by law or court order. 

Web analytics information 

When you visit the pages on our website, the information that your browser sends is collected and evaluated. This collection process takes place by way of pixels (web beacons) that are integrated on the web pages as well as through the use of cookies. 

 Collected data is used to create anonymous usage profiles that serve as the basis for web statistics. However, individual users are not personally identified, nor is the data collated with other data. You can prevent data from being collected and saved at any time by changing the settings of your Internet browser. This setting will also be recognized during any subsequent visits. For this purpose, access your browser's settings section and configure the browser to block or reject third-party cookies. 

 This website uses Matomo Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Matomo. Matomo Analytics uses cookies to help us analyze how visitors are using the website. The information compiled by the cookies concerning visitors' use of the website is saved and processed by Matomo on servers in Germany. 

 IP addresses are fully anonymized before we are able to view the collated data via the Matomo Suite. It is not possible to reverse the anonymization of the IP addresses or match up the IP addresses with the collated data. We use this information to evaluate the behavior of visitors to our website, create corresponding reports, and ultimately to improve the website experience for our website visitors. Matomo will not pass this information on to third parties or use it for marketing or promotional purposes of any kind. 

How do we use social plugins? 

Our website may use social plugins from various social networks, such as Facebook & Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter & YouTube, respectively owned by Facebook lnc., 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, LinkedIn Headquarters 2029 Stierlin Ct. Ste. 200 Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, Twitter lnc., 795 St. Folsom, Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, and Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View, 94043, USA.. When you visit a page on our website that contains a social plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of the social network that provides the plugin. The social network then receives information about your visit to our website, such as your IP address, the URL of the page, and the browser you use. If you are logged into the social network, it can also associate your visit with your account. If you interact with the plugin, such as by clicking on a button or leaving a comment, the social network will also receive this information and may store it on your profile. The social network may also use cookies and other technologies to track and analyze your activity on our website and other websites. 

We do not have any control over the data collection and processing by the social networks that provide the plugins. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the security of these social networks. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these social networks before you use the plugins or provide any personal information to them. You can also adjust your settings on these social networks to limit the data they collect and share with us and others. When you use the plugins on our website, you are subject to the terms and conditions of the social networks that provide them. 

Through the interaction with one of the social plug-ins, the social network operator concerned receives the information concerning the web page of our Site that you have viewed. If at the same time, you are connected to a social network, the operator of this social network can also associate the corresponding visits of your account to the social network. In addition, by activating a social plug-in, for example by clicking on the "Like" button or by posting a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted to the social network. Even if you are not a member of one of the social networks mentioned, it is possible that they can recover and even register your IP address through the plug-in when you click on it. 

For more details about the scope and purpose of the processing, collection and use of data by Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google, as well as about your rights and configuration options, we suggest that you read following privacy policies: 

If you are a customer of one of the social networks listed hereabove, but you do not want it to collect your data from our Website and link them to your user account, you must disconnect from the social network before clicking on a plug-in. 

In addition, our Website contains hypertext links to FORVIA publications on social networks. The companies that publish them put at your disposal, directly on their respective sites, information concerning the processing of your personal data. 

 How do we use social media fanpages? 

We may also use social media fanpages on various social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X, and YouTube, to communicate with you, to share news, updates, offers, and other information about our services, and to collect feedback and suggestions from you. When you visit or interact with our social media fanpages, the social networks may collect and process your personal information, such as your name, profile picture, email address, and any other information that you make available to them. The social networks may also use cookies and other technologies to track and analyze your activity on our social media fanpages and other websites. 

We do not have any control over the data collection and processing by the social networks that host our social media fanpages. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the security of these social networks. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these social networks before you visit or interact with our social media fanpages or provide any personal information to them. You can also adjust your settings on these social networks to limit the data they collect and share with us and others. When you visit or interact with our social media fanpages, you are subject to the terms and conditions of the social networks that host them. 

How do we use external videos? 

Our website may contain links to external videos that are stored on our YouTube channel. These videos allow you to watch and learn more about our services and our company. When you click on a link to an external video, your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of YouTube, which is a service provided by Google LLC. YouTube then receives information about your visit to our website, such as your IP address, the URL of the page, and the browser you use. If you are logged into YouTube or Google, YouTube can also associate your visit with your account. If you interact with the video, such as by clicking on a button or leaving a comment, YouTube will also receive this information and may store it on your profile. YouTube may also use cookies and other technologies to track and analyze your activity on our website and other websites. 

We do not have any control over the data collection and processing by YouTube or Google. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the security of these services. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of YouTube and Google before you watch the external videos or provide any personal information to them. You can also adjust your settings on YouTube and Google to limit the data they collect and share with us and others. When you watch the external videos on our website, you are subject to the terms and conditions of YouTube and Google. 

How do we use Matomo Analytics? 

Matomo Analytics (formerly Piwik Analytics) is an audience measurement solution that uses cookies. This website uses Matomo Analytics with a configuration that complies with the regulations on the protection of personal data and the recommendations of the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés). This configuration makes it possible to anonymize the data of visitors and limit the retention period of this data to 13 months maximum. 

With this configuration, prior consent to the deposit of Matomo Analytics cookies is not mandatory. 

Matomo Analytics uses cookies and other technologies to track and measure various aspects of our website, such as the number of visitors, the pages visited, the time spent, the sources of traffic, the conversions, and the goals achieved. Matomo Analytics does not collect or store any personal information that can identify you, such as your name, email address, or IP address. 

What are your rights? 

If you are located in the European Union, the United Kingdom, or Switzerland, you have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable laws regarding your personal information. These rights include: 

  • The right to access: You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you. 
  • The right to rectification: You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate or incomplete personal information that we hold about you. 
  • The right to erasure: You have the right to request that we delete your personal information from our records, unless we have a legitimate reason to keep it. 
  • The right to restrict processing: You have the right to request that we limit the way we use your personal information, if you have a valid reason to do so. 
  • The right to data portability: You have the right to request that we transfer your personal information to another organization or to you, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, if it is technically feasible. 
  • The right to object: You have the right to object to our processing of your personal information for direct marketing purposes, or for any other purpose that is based on our legitimate interests, unless we have compelling grounds to continue. 
  • The right to withdraw consent: You have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal information at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing that took place before your withdrawal. 
  • The right to lodge a complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection authority if you believe that we have violated your rights or the applicable laws. 

To exercise any of these rights, you can contact us using the information provided below. We will respond to your request within a reasonable time frame, and in accordance with the applicable laws. We may ask you to verify your identity before we process your request, to ensure the security of your information. 

How do we handle third party data transfers by hyperlinks on our website? 

Your personal data is stored either in our database and on our server or, if need be, on the servers of a subcontractor processing data on our behalf. 

Since FORVIA is a global group, teams processing data may be located in various countries, including outside the European Economic Area, in countries where the protection level of personal data is not equivalent to the one existing in the EEA. 

Note that, if we are bought by or merged with another company, or if the group is restructured, your personal data will be transferred to the new entity. If this hypothesis were to ever happen, we would apply the same rules as those set forth in this Policy to your personal data as well as to your rights as for the use thereof. 

However, because of applicable legal rules, and in some cases, we will have to transmit your personal data to third parties, for instance if we presume infringement or misuse of our Site. Where appropriate, we have to transmit your data to the competent authorities. 

 We use your personal data to technically manage our websites, customers, product surveys, and marketing to the extent required for each specific case only. We will never transmit your data to third parties outside the FORVIA Group without your consent, especially with regard to marketing purposes. An overview of the FORVIA group of companies is available online at 

 Our website may contain links to other websites that are not operated by us. These links are provided for your convenience and reference only. We are not responsible for the content, privacy practices, or security of these websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of these websites before you provide any personal information to them. When you click on a link to another website, you will leave our website and this policy will not apply to your use of the other website. You should exercise caution and check the privacy policy of the website you are visiting. 

How we handle Security 

We implement technical and organizational security measures to protect the information collected from you and managed by us against tampering, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorized persons, as well as unauthorized disclosure. Only a few authorized individuals have access to your data. 

As a rule, our website data and the information you send to our website are transferred in unencrypted format. Consequently, we cannot rule out that third parties may intercept and view and/or directly access the data transferred. We ask that you take this aspect into account when deciding on whether and to what extent you are willing to transmit data to us over the Internet. On our portals that require registration and user login information, we use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption for data transmission wherever possible. We are continuously improving and adapting our security measures to keep up with technological developments. 

Modification of this Policy 

FORVIA reserves the right to modify at any time this Privacy Policy when necessary, for example when introducing new features or to comply with new legal provisions. We therefore invite you to read it regularly when visiting our Site: it can be viewed at any time by clicking on the "Legals" link in the footer of all pages of the Site. If a significant change to our Privacy Policy became necessary, we would notify you by any means, reminding you that you can delete your data if the changes would unfortunately not satisfy you. 

How can you contact us? 

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at: 


Address: 23-27 rue des Champs Pierreux, 92 000 Nanterre Cedex – France.