Analyst coverage
Explore the comprehensive list of equity analysts actively tracking and analyzing FORVIA's financial performance. Find out more about our coverage.
Broker | Analyst |
AlphaValue | Adrien Brasey |
Bank of America | Alexander Jones |
Barclays | Erwann Dagorne |
Berenberg | Romain Gourvil |
Bernstein | Stephen Reitman |
BNP Paribas Exane | Stephen Benhamou |
CIC Market Solutions | Dominique Descours |
Citi | Harald Henrikse |
Deutsche Bank | Christoph Laskawi |
Equita | Martino de Ambroggi |
Goldman Sachs | Georges Galliers |
HSBC | Edoardo Spina |
JP Morgan | José Asumendi |
Kepler Cheuvreux | Thomas Besson |
Morgan Stanley | TBD |
Oddo BHF | Michael Foundoukidis |
UBS | David Lesne |
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