Analyst coverage​

Explore the comprehensive list of equity analysts actively tracking and analyzing FORVIA's financial performance. Find out more about our coverage.

Broker Analyst
AlphaValue Adrien Brasey
Bank of America Alexander Jones
Barclays Erwann Dagorne
Berenberg Romain Gourvil
Bernstein Stephen Reitman
BNP Paribas Exane Stephen Benhamou
CIC Market Solutions Dominique Descours
Citi Harald Henrikse
Deutsche Bank Christoph Laskawi
Equita Martino de Ambroggi
Goldman Sachs Georges Galliers
HSBC Edoardo Spina
JP Morgan José Asumendi
Kepler Cheuvreux Thomas Besson
Morgan Stanley TBD
Oddo BHF Michael Foundoukidis
UBS David Lesne


Analysts & investors contact
Marc Maillet & Sébastien Leroy
Investor Relations
Individual shareholder contact
0 805 651 206
(toll-free number)