Caring for the planet

Through a holistic approach to reducing carbon emissions and minimizing environmental impact, FORVIA is accelerating the transition to sustainable mobility. As automakers strive to create more sustainable vehicles, FORVIA aims to be a driving force, focusing not only on decarbonization but also on initiatives to preserve biodiversity, reduce water and natural resource consumption, and adapt to the effects of climate change.

Achieving CO₂ net-zero

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Our overriding climate objective is to reach net-zero CO₂ emissions in 2045 with two intermediate steps: 

- By 2025, we target to be carbon neutral in scopes 1 and 2.
- By 2030, we target to cut our scope 3 emissions by 45%. 

We are proud of the fact that we were the first French company and the first global automotive company to receive the new SBTi Net-Zero Standard certification.

CO₂ neutrality at the heart of our strategy

CO2 neutrality at the heart of our strategy

Our SBTi Net-Zero Standard-approved roadmap

by 2025
Neutrality for CO₂ emissions on scopes 1 & 2
by 2030
-45% on controlled CO₂ emissions on scope 3
by 2045
Net-Zero on all scopes
Fengcheng FORVIA plant

Scopes 1 & 2: Transforming the way we operate

With energy being key to reaching our first milestone in 2025, we are accelerating our efforts to improve energy efficiency (-26% in 2023 versus 2019) and to increase the use of renewable power through on-site generation (solar panels) and off-site purchases. In 2023, we inaugurated our first net-zero plant in China and boosted our renewable energy capacity to up to 70% of consumption within Europe with a new wind power purchase agreement.


Scope 3: Developing market-leading sustainable products

At FORVIA, we design our products for scope 3. We follow the principles of using less, using better, and using longer, designing repairable and replaceable products while developing bio-based and recycled materials. One year since the establishment of MATERI’ACT in late 2022, with nearly 100 engineers, researchers, data scientists, and world-class headquarters and a R&D center inaugurated in late 2023, this activity is strategically positioned to produce the next-generation of low-CO2 materials and support our scope 3 targets.

Sustainability integrated in remuneration and financing

Carbon neutrality forms part of our executive pay structure, with variable remuneration for our CEO, the Group’s top 300 senior executives and 4,800 managers, and the HELLA Management Board, linked to our scope 1 and 2 targets. To finance climate-related, environmental, or sustainable projects, we have also issued €2.4 billion in green and sustainability-linked bonds to date.

Achieving net-zero

Victoria Chanial
Executive Vice President, Group Communications, Public Affairs, and Sustainability

“Addressing all levers of scope 3 – accounting for 98% of our CO₂ emissions – is crucial to achieve net zero. Our employees are decisive players in this cultural transformation, influencing everything we do, from processes to new automotive architecture. Therefore, we are expanding our climate and environmental awareness training.”
environment sustainability solar energy

Reducing our environmental footprint

To reduce the footprint of our sites worldwide, we follow an eco-design approach encompassing every aspect of the environment, from waste management and water use through to protecting local biodiversity. Our Green Factory White Book outlines the best environmental practices and constraints to be applied when developing new facilities — approximately 15 to 20 annually. An example is our industrial platform in Allenjoie, France, which incorporates 5,000 m2 of photovoltaic panels and three biomass-fired boilers.

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Committing to biodiversity

With 24 of our sites located within 3 km of protected areas, we have a role to play in preserving biodiversity. We have initiated biodiversity audits to define local action plans. FORVIA is also committed to the international Act4Nature initiative led by the Enterprises for the Environment association (EpE), promoting practical business actions that benefit nature based on ten standard commitments and individual pledges. FORVIA supported ETE 2030, a study released by EpE in late 2023, outlining initiatives to accelerate the ecological transition in France.

Adapting to the effects of climate change

We are also working on adaptation measures, contracting AXA Climate to assess how climate change will affect our sites while a second study with Carbone4 examines our process resilience at three locations. Our proprietary 24-hour FORVIA Weather Alert System protects both our employees and our production capacity.