Legal notice

This page describes the legal information that applies to all visitors on this site. We invite you to read them carefully and to consult them regularly, as they may be modified at any time and without notice by FORVIA, at its sole discretion.

By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and you accept FORVIA's Privacy Policy. Please visit   

Publisher and host information  

Company name: FORVIA  
European company with capital of €1,379,625,380  
ctivity code: 70.10Z  
Company Registration Number (SIRET): 542 005 376 00554  
EEC VAT: FR96542005376   
Registered office: 23 -27 avenue des Champs Pierreux 92000 Nanterre  
Legal representative: Martin Fischer; General Manager   
Director of publication: Martin Fischer; General Manager  

Hosting :    
Immeuble Le Pasteur - 15 Rue Jeanne Braconnier - 92360 Meudon la Forêt, France  

Site design and production: 
Octave & Octave

You can contact us :   

Access to our website 

FORVIA makes every effort to keep the site accessible. For maintenance, updating or any other reason, access to the site may be temporarily interrupted. FORVIA is not responsible for the consequences of these interruptions for you.  

Objectives of the site

ll materials contained in the site are provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as a commercial offer, license, advisory, fiduciary or professional relationship between you and FORVIA.    

Responsibility for content  

 FORVIA makes every effort to ensure the reliability of the information published on the site at the time of publication. However, FORVIA does not guarantee that the content is free of inaccuracies or omissions. Consequently, FORVIA shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions, or for the unavailability of information and services.  

 FORVIA reserves the right to modify the content at any time without notice.  

Specific disclaimer concerning financial information  

The financial information provided on this website should not be considered as an invitation to invest. The information and opinions published on the site are for information purposes only.  

FORVIA makes every effort to keep the site accessible. For maintenance, updating or any other reason, access to the site may be temporarily interrupted. FORVIA is not responsible for the consequences of these interruptions for you. us.  

Liability for links (to and from third-party websites)  

Links on this site may lead to third-party websites. These links are provided solely as a convenience to you and do not imply any endorsement or approval of the linked sites by FORVIA.   

 As FORVIA has no way of controlling the content of these other web sites, which remain totally independent, FORVIA cannot be held responsible for the content, products or services presented there. It is therefore your responsibility to carefully read their terms and conditions, privacy policies, cookie policies and/or terms of sale.   

 Please protect yourself against viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other potentially destructive programs that may be present on third-party websites.   

Intellectual property rights  

All elements of the Site, as well as the Site itself, are protected by intellectual property legislation, and in particular by copyright. All these elements, in particular trademarks, logos, texts, data, drawings, graphics, photos, animations, sounds, computer codes, including downloadable documents, are the property of Faurecia or its assignees.  

 It is therefore strictly forbidden to copy, distribute, reproduce, modify, distort or transmit the Site or elements of the Site without the prior written consent of FORVIA. FORVIA particularly prohibits any extraction of a qualitatively or quantitatively substantial part of the content of the Website, as well as any unauthorized use of trademarks and logos appearing on the Website. Only personal use of the Website for consultation purposes is permitted without authorization.  

 FORVIA reserves the right to take legal action against any infringement of its intellectual property rights, including criminal prosecution.     


Photo credits: FORVIA and FORVIA HELLA photo library (all rights reserved), Getty, iStock.  

Page updated on May 28, 2024