FORVIA Foundation projects map
Residential school in rural area for schoolgirls

This school offers mainstream education to rural and tribal Girl in the region; around Bhambarde village, Dist. Pune. Few factors like distance, lack of food at home and poor financial conditions prevent the education of girls in the region. By offering hostel facilities the aim is to bring these Girls to school without creating an economic pressure on the families.

The school had a hostel facility on ground floor for 80 Girls.The Foundation financed the construction of the 1st floor of the existing Girl’s Hostel to accommodate 70 girls. Extending the capacity is key to ensure they continue their education up to 12th Std staying in the Hostel.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant: 70 000€
Key figures
Restoration of native forests and improving local livelihoods

The Foundation supported the creation of a greenhouse of native plants and trees for replanting forests. In addition, the farmers recived training in nursery maintenance, reforestation, rainwater catchment and agroecological farming to help sustain their way of life.

The project involved 300 students of the Qom indigenous communities and near villages to assist them. The objective was to reach sustainable community development in a rural and a low-income area.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant: 20 500€
Key figures
Go green training in primary schools
The project involved

The project involved the development of the school’s outdoor spaces; by creating a vegetablegarden, integrating composting and organic waste and rainwater recovery, creating a garden house for outdoor education, sowing a butterfly meadow with local species of flowers and trees and a nature trail, and planting a green wall.

Additionally, we helped replacing lighting by more efficient options to make energy savings. Finally, the grant allowed to provide the school library with more books focusing on nature
Project selected in 2022
Total grant: 35 000€
Key Figures
Mentoring & scholarships for future graduates

The final objective is to improve their educational trajectories, allowing them to acquire the skills to navigate high school and finally obtain their graduation. They will be accompanied during 3 years of high school from grade 9 to 12. It is a comprehensive program that provides personalized educational tutors, financial support and experience sharing.

The general objectives of the program are to reduce barriers to education for children and youth from low-income families, and also guarantee the stability of low-income youth within the educational system. The program is working on increasing school attendance and academic performance to reduce rates of repetition, abandonment and excess age. Finally, in addition to raising the levels of basic education achieved, they aim to improve educational continuity for young people in higher education and/or their employment.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant:€27,000 over 3 years
Building a brighter tomorrow for Mekong girls

The objective is to improve their access to education and economic prospects.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant : 25 000€
A small van for social inclusion

This charity supports the cognitive and social integration of children with special needs in the Craiova region. The van is used to transport 21 children with autistic disorder from Craiova city and 23 children from the rural area to participate in the local community life and excursions.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant 27 000€
Key Figures
A media library for a rural school

They want to encourage extracurricular reading by offering new books and arranging a dedicated space with special furniture to make the reading appealing.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant : 20 000€
An IT Lab in a rural school

The Foundation finaced equipment to create an IT lab in order to improve the quality of education in the rural area of Iohanisfeld, Timis County, and facilitate equal access to digital technology.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant 30 000€
Happy and Safe Outside
Road safety & social inclusion for children with disabilities

The Foundation financed equipment and activities to increase community participation skills and road safety skills among 30 children and teenagers with developmental disabilities.

They joined weekly group activities and weekly individual therapy during six months. They learnt how to walk and cross the street safely, how to play and interact with peers in parks, at playgrounds, they developed skills for going at a cinema, at the mall, shopping, or any relevant social activity to facilitate their inclusion and autonomy.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant: 10 000€
Sport & cultural education sessions for social inclusion

Through STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) workshops, outdoor activities, and summer camps, the Club Sportiv Aktiv Ramnicu Valcea wants to enhance social diversity and inclusion in the Valcea community, more precisely in the 2 rural areas of Budesti and Costesti.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant 40 000€
No child left behind
Digital inclusion

In addition, the families will be assisted to improve their parenting skills so that they can properly care for their children in the field of free time and school, favoring the development of their abilities, attitudes and strengths.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant : 40 000€
Digital coaching at the PARENTS' CAFÉ

Another important aspect of the parents' café is raising awareness of the safe use of social media, including the topic of cyberbullying and what consequences comments or images can have on children. Once parents have become aware of the problem, they can pass this on to their children. Providing help and advice on school-related problems is also an important aspect of the parents' café.

The foundation is financing digital equipment to support this new digital coaching program. In 2024, following the success and growing demand from parents to participate in the parents' café workshops, the Foundation renewed its support for the opening of new sessions.
Project selected in 2022 and in 2024
Total Grant 9 000€ + 14 000€
Solidarity cars

The 1st car benefited to an association caring for elderly and ill people, helping them to stay at home as long as possible. Social workers will be able to drive and assist them directly at home with their daily needs.
The 2nd car was donated to a local charity assisting families with children having disabilities for their daily commuting to their care center.

The 3rd car has benefited an association of deaf athletes. This will help them drive the athletes to practices and competitions.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant : 70 000€ / year / 3 years
Vocational training for school dropout

IAM is developing an education program to teach digital and technological knowledge and develop the employability of teenagers. The Foundation is financing materials and equipment for this program and seeks to enhance the interest of each child in Entrepreneurship, Programming and Coding workshops using the “MAKER” pedagogical methodology.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant 17 000€
Production school for vocational development

Through an innovative “doing to learn” pedagogy, the production school trains young people aged 15 to 18 on industrial maintenance.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant : 30 000€ / year / 3 years
Librairies Without Borders

This box will be deployed in specific areas to make it possible to meet young people by creating friendly spaces dedicated to their remobilization towards a professional project. They will have access to content, knowledge and counseling to enable them to orient themselves, train and/or lead an entrepreneurship project.
Project selected in 2022
Total Grant 10 000€
Toit à moi

Toit à Moi provides apartments and daily social support. The objective is to sustainably help homeless people in order to allow them to rebuild and change their lives. Housing units can accommodate a single person, a couple, or a household with children.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant: 50 000€ / year / 3 years

The computers are second-hand devices collected from citizens, companies and public organizations and then refurbished. When the computers collected through the donation campaigns are not reusable, they are recycled.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 18 300€
Access and Inclusion in a school for visual impaired

The kitchen, multipurpose room and computer lab have been improved and standardized for the residents to move easily around. Another focus was to create a braille-friendly environment: lift, signboards, sign path, campus map...

Residents have been offered vocational and rehabilitation trainings developing their skills to find jobs and become financially autonomous.
Project selected in 2021 and 2022
Total grant: 35 500€ + 18 000€
Moving Together

The Foundation contributed to the purchase of a van for excursions - the objective being to improve the well-being and mobility of the residents.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 20 000€
Ternana Green Aid

It consists in a delivery service to non-autonomous people (either affected by COVID, or with disabilities) to guarantee a minimum level of assistance: food and medicine delivered to their home, urgent administrative assistance. . The Foundation supported this existing program while adding an eco-friendly dimension to it, by financing electric vehicles.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 40 000€
Digitize & Learn

It is mainly targeting children from primary and secondary schools as well as their families through a set of trainings. In addition, the centers' infrastructure was improved through additional digital devices and classroom furniture - this help students attend online lessons and adults to search for job opportunities and trainings.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 35 000€
Let's connect
Digital tools and extracurricular activities for more equality in education

The goal was to enable them to attend online classes by equipping them with digital tablets and internet access. In addition, online afterschool activities were planned to help them develop cognitive and language skills, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and self-education for their personal development.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 50 000€
At your door
The project pursues three goals:

First, to sensitize the elderly to the impact of their actions on the environment and to the future of the planet, though actions and activities developed by the young volunteers. Secondly, this helps to break loneliness of the seniors, often alone in their homes. finally, these exchanges encourage young people to become actively involved in the community.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 2 000€
Autonomy at home
Wheelchair ramps for community residents

It targets selected community residents in Bartholomew County, Indiana, USA, taking into account financial & and disability criteria.
Project selected in 2021
Total grant: 4 500€
Bike to school
Bicycles to improve the mobility of middle school students

For the children living in the villages near Azilal city, going to school is a daily issue because of the absence of any bus service. As a result, children need to walk an average 5-6kms / day, and very often under extreme weather conditions - with temperatures spanning from -8°C at night during winter, to 48°C during daytime in the summer.
Through 'Bike to School', FORVIA volunteers want to tackle this mobility challenge and unequal access to education
Project selected in 2020
Total grant: 34 000€
Grow in Treasure Home
Afterschool activities giving kids equal access to education

The initiative targets children in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Xi'an, and Jiaxing, whose parents are migrant workers, and supports them in three fields: education, social integration and safety. The wide range of activities organized aim at giving kids equal access to education, an opportunity to develop skills and hobbies, and enhance their self-confidence.
Project selected in 2021, 2022 and 2023
Total grant: 320 000€ over 3 years
Green village
Facilities for access to water and renewable energies in a village

Four small 7kW solar power plants have been installed to supply electricity to common areas. In parellel, 1kW solar panels have been installed on the roofs of 70 houses, along with basic equipment for water and biogas energy: from facility to pipe network and gas stove for each family.

In addition, young people living in Tekavadi are trained to maintain facilities, generating employment.
Another goal is to reforest the surroundings following Miyawaki concept, and encourage inhabitants to favor biogas over trees cutting.
Project selected in 2021 and 2023
Total grant : 60 000€ + 80 000€
Improving education for girls in India

Then it was in the SAMPARC Lily English Medium School and Junior College that a science laboratory, a computer laboratory and a library were inaugurated. In 2022, the project focused on continuing to improve school infrastructure and equipment at SAMPARC Lily English Medium School and Junior College.

The objective is to support the development of schoolgirls' skills by financing the purchase of equipment and machines to provide professional training but also to provide a safer and healthier atmosphere with the repair of sanitary facilities and the refreshing of the building's paintwork. Through these actions, volunteers hope to tackle school drop-out rates and empower girls.
Project selected in 2020 and 2022
Total grant : 49 000€ + 30 000€
A reforestation venture supporting a children charity

The Una Nueva Esperanza association has been supported by FORVIA employees for several years and the FORVIA teams wanted to go further in their support. The greenhouse that produces the trees was built on land belonging to the association and which was unexploited. After a five-year growth period, all of the income from this social enterprise will return to Una Nueva Esperanza to provide it with long-term funding.
Project selected in 2020
Total grant : 300 000€
Green IT Classrooms

Project selected in 2023
Total grant : 127 000€ over 3 years
Reading corners
Enhance Children Literacy in rural elementary schools

The Foundation has enabled the establishment of 30 reading corners in 5 primary schools, where 1,500 children aged 6 to 12 are enrolled. Each reading corner includes 100 books, 1 bookcase and 1 globe. In 2023, the Foundation renewed its support for this initiative to open more reading corners.
Project selected in 2023 and 2024
Total grant: €18,000 + €29,000
Trade school for skills development in high school

The focus of the trade school will be on STEM, Business, Marketing, IT and Hospitality programs for the students of Pontiac High School where 350 children from grades 9th to 12th are registered.

The Foundation supported the pruchase of software, training facilities, uniforms, technology, and other resources needed to prepare non-college-bound students with the training needed to launch a skilled career.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €100,000 over 2 years
Bloom Garden
Training and jobs for people with disabilities

The Foundation has enabled:
This project focuses on the development of a new training sector in gardening and horticulture within a specialized training center hosting 100 trainees. The Foundation has enabled the creation of a wildflower garden.This green space will serve both as a practical learning place for the trainees and as a showcase to present their work. It also allowed the acquisition of a delivery van.

This tool will make it possible to transport trainees but also to deliver products and thus simulate a real professional environment.
The project proposed by FORVIA employees is part of a broader approach by the training center which already offers a variety of professional and social training. The new gardening program increases the center's capacity to 50 additional trainees.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €50,000
Drive Hope
Transportation for Homeless Shelter

The van will also serve as a lifeline for residents by assisting them in attending crucial appointments. This includes but is not limited to housing appointments, medical check-ups, visits to the Secretary of State, and Social Security offices.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €45,000
Elevator -Barrier-free - Mobility for special people

This new equipment will improve mobility for the 45 children and adults currently benefiting from the center's services and will allow for an increase in capacity of up to 10 additional individuals.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €4,400
Equipping the IT laboratory in a rural school for children with special needs

The computer lab allows for the use of innovative teaching methods and reduces the digital divide. This project aims to provide all students, regardless of their profile, with equal opportunities for academic success. The school, which accommodates a large number of students with special needs, benefits from this new educational tool.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €12, 000

The wheelchairs are designed with the help of experts in design and development from FORVIA HELLA. These high-quality wheelchairs are customized to meet the specific needs of each recipient and come with a one-year warranty.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €120,000 over 2 years
Volunteers for Girls’ Service Project

This program fosters interaction, knowledge-building, and companionship, aiming to improve their physical, mental, and social well-being, ultimately promoting gender equality.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €35,000
Economic empowerment of vulnerable women & girls

Participants will receive training in modern fashion tailoring, soft skills, and interview preparation. Counselors will provide ongoing support. At the end of the training, each participant will receive a sewing machine to help them start their business.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €48,500
Empowering refugee women & Providing learning & reading support for disadvantaged children

They are supporting refugees women through a one-year coaching program to help these women regain their confidence and find jobs in Germany. The program includes workshops on communication, self-presentation, and job application skills. The foundation also involves FORVIA employees in mentoring and volunteering activities to further support the women. The Foundation is also supporting a program that pairs mentors with 500 disadvantaged children in Augsburg to help them with reading and learning.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €53,500
A modular, open-source wheelchair

By placing the user at the heart of the design process, this project aims to meet the specific needs of each individual and significantly improve the quality of life of those concerned. At the same time, it provides young people with disabilities with the opportunity to acquire professional skills and actively participate in social innovation
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €30,000

By opening a bike repair shop, the project seeks to create jobs, promote active transportation, and strengthen community cohesion. Young participants will benefit from comprehensive vocational training, mentorship, and personal development opportunities. This project will contribute to improving the quality of life for residents of Southwest Detroit while training the next generation of skilled workers.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €100,000
Walk & Run

By lending specialized orthopedic equipment and providing rehabilitation sessions, the project aims to increase access to therapy, enable home-based care, and offer equal opportunities for these children. The loaned equipment will be used in rehabilitation to help children improve their movement, posture, and ability to do things for themselves.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €100,000
Community garden

Educational activities, aimed at employees and young people, will raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity and environmentally friendly farming practices. Finally, the Foundation supports the collection of organic waste and the production of compost.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €5,000
Act for the Future - photovoltaic systems for schools

Each school will receive 5 solar panels to generate clean energy and reduce emissions. Additionally, a monitoring center will be established to collect and analyze energy consumption data. This program aims to equip students with knowledge and tools to promote sustainable practices in their communities.
Project selected in 2024
Total grant: €67,000
Providing underprivileged school & children center with solar power & water tanks, to ensure stable electricity, water access, and a better learning environment.

At the SOS Children's Village, the project enabled the installation of 44 solar panels to generate 1,574 kWh, covering 47% of the center's electricity needs. To adress water issuses, a pump was installed to extract water from a borehole and fill the existing storage tank. A filtration system was added to provide clean drinking water. Additionally, an irrigation system was implemented at the care center. The solar panels will provide clean and reliable renewable energy, reducing reliance on the grid and mitigating the impact of frequent power outages.

The water systems will ensure access to clean drinking water and support irrigation for shared green spaces. Beyond the technical installations, the project will empower students through a science club focused on renewable energy education. This will foster environmental awareness and encourage sustainable practices. Additionally, the involvement of FORVIA volunteers will enhance the project's impact and create opportunities for cross-cultural exchange.
Project selected in 2024
Total donation amount: €60,000
Adapted bikes
Loaning special bikes for children with disabilities

The program operates on a sustainable, circular model. We provide a range of bikes tailored to different ages and abilities, including: mini wheelchairs for infants, hand bikes for toddlers, parallel bars, tricycles for children and adults, specialized bikes and electric bikes. These bikes are loaned free of charge to children for approximately 1.5 years, after which they are returned and refurbished for the next child in need. This ensures maximum utilization and minimizes waste. Ongoing maintenance ar provided and timely replacements, guaranteeing that each child has access to the right tool for their mobility needs, empowering them to reach their full potential.
Project selected in 2023 and 2024
Total grant: €69,000
Bragança Green Generation
Preserving biodiversity involving local schools

By reforesting and cleaning up natural areas, the project will contribute to the region's ecological balance and support local livelihoods through nature tourism. Additionally, by educating young people about biodiversity, the project aims to foster a new generation of environmental stewards.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €30,000
Western Leopard Toad Underpass
Protecting a critically endangered specie

By constructing a new toad tunnel to complement the existing five tunnels in a specific road section. This tunnel will help toads safely migrate to and from their breeding ponds, avoiding road hazards.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €10,000
Development activities & summer camp in family for children with Down syndrome

The Foundation supported 4 summer camps for 60 children with Down syndrome and their families, providing developmental activities, family support, and parental training.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €16,000

In 2024, the Foundation renewed its support, leading to the planting of an additional 9,000 trees by 300 students. By involving 7 local primary and secondary schools, the project is raising awareness among young people about nature conservation. Students actively participate in tree planting activities and receive educational presentations. The selected tree species are known for their resilience and ability to regenerate the forest.
Project selected in 2023 and in 2024
Total grant: €102,500
Young Migrant children integration
Improving the daily lives of young migrants in Strasbourg by expanding and renovating their shelter.

Thanks to this funding, the association was able to renovate its premises to offer young people a more comfortable and adapted living space. Improvements include the creation of new dormitories, a reading room, a study room, and the renovation of the bathroom. These works allow them to accommodate six additional boys and four girls, thus meeting a significant need in the area. In addition, the association organizes fun and educational activities to promote the integration and well-being of young people.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €20,000
Digital travelling for disabled children
Playful and educational workshops aimed at developing their skills and broadening their horizons.

Thanks to the Foundation's support, the Kolibri program has expanded to numerous establishments in France. In 2023, 7 establishments benefited from this program, allowing nearly 95 children to participate in the workshops. Building on the success of the first year, the Foundation renewed its support in 2024, enabling the program to expand to 7 additional establishments, thus offering approximately 94 more children the opportunity to participate. The objectives of this project are multifaceted.

First, to develop children's skills by improving the reading, writing, and digital skills of children with disabilities. Secondly, to stimulate curiosity, by fostering the discovery of the world and arouse children's curiosity. Then, to promote inclusion by creating an inclusive environment where children can develop social relationships and interact with others. Finally, to train educators by providing educators with specific training to implement the Kolibri workshops.
Project selected in 2023 and 2024
Total grant: €67,000
Solar panels at the orphanage

The Foundation is supporting a project to install 55 solar panels on the roof of the SAMPARC Balgram Bhaje orphanage, generating a total of 30 kW of renewable energy. This project will enable the orphanage to reduce its electricity bills while using clean energy. The generated power will be used to meet the residential and educational needs of the 263 children housed in the orphanage.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €30,000
Urban Forest

The Foundation is supporting a project aimed at improving air quality and water management in Palnallur, an Indian village home to 2,800 people. The project involves planting 2,000 native trees, creating a recreational area for the community and industrial workers, and constructing two ponds for water storage and drinking purposes. This initiative is designed to reduce pollution, enhance the quality of life for villagers, and foster sustainable water management practices. Over two years, the foundation will provide support to the village to implement these measures.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €25,000
An electric mobile library, staffed by volunteers, is touring 20 villages around Terni to offer children reading activities

An electric mobile library has been set up to tour 20 villages. Professional readers and FORVIA volunteers lead reading activities, offering children the opportunity to discover books in Italian, French, English, Portuguese, and Spanish. At the end of each event, a book is given to each participating child. By selecting books that are appropriate for each season and occasion, the project aims to spark children's curiosity and imagination. This initiative contributes to enriching the cultural life of these small villages and encouraging a passion for reading in younger generations.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant: €50,000
LEARNING SUPPORT CENTER for children with disabilities
Improving accessibility for for children with disabilities within the school community.

The project includes the creation of an elevator or lifting platform to facilitate the mobility of children between floors, the adaptation of bathrooms to the specific needs of children with disabilities, and the acquisition of adapted educational materials. These improvements will allow 5 children with disabilities to fully participate in school activities and be included in school life. The project promots greater inclusion within the school community.
Project selected in 2023.
Total grant: €30,000.
A more suitable and modern learning environment

The project involved building repairs, the purchase of new educational materials, and the creation of a new outdoor play area. The grant has allowed for a more stimulating and engaging learning space, fostering cognitive and motor development in young children.
Project selected in 2023.
Total grant: €21,000.

The Foundation has supported a project to improve digital education access for children with disabilities (mental & physical) at the Ádorská Special Elementary School in Dunajská Streda, Slovakia. The project has equipped a dedicated computer lab with adapted technology. This initiative aims to promote inclusion and independence for children with disabilities by developing their digital skills and providing access to modern educational resources.
Project selected in 2023.
Total grant: €14,000.
The Orphanage - Green playground
An eco-friendly and educational playground to promote the well-being of foster children.

This project aims to offer a healthier and more stimulating environment to nearly 70 children, many of whom have experienced trauma. The new playground, equipped with an ecological surface and plant arrangements, will replace the old degraded playground. The children are now able to benefit from a safe space to play and learn, while being made aware of the environment. This project contributes to improving their well-being and development, while creating a more pleasant living space within the center.
Project selected in 2023.
Total grant: €40,000.
An awareness and support project for children with cancer in Valencian schools.

The project has two components. First, school awareness, which consist of training for teachers, students, and parent-teacher associations on childhood cancer to foster empathy and understanding. Secondly, support for sick children, by provinding psychological and social support for children with cancer, along with awareness-raising activities among their classmates to facilitate their reintegration into school. The project is implemented in schools in the Valencian Community that wish to participate. A total of 10,000 students will benefit from this awareness and support program. Funding will cover the costs of psychologists and social workers, the production of educational materials, and travel expenses.
Project selected in 2023
Total grant amount: €30,000
A project to reintegrate young school dropouts by developing their computer and manual skills.

By funding computer equipment, tools for DIY and other equipment for the pastry and film clubs, the Foundation enables these young people to develop new skills and regain self-confidence. This personalized support program, implemented by the Ben Arous Defense and Social Integration Center, provides them with the keys to successful reintegration into school and a brighter future.
Project selected in 2022
Total grant amount: €50,000